Impact Missionary Matching



The goal of Missionary Support Matching is for LSCC to partner with our members to support the missionaries that they financially and prayerfully support.


Complete the Member Information and Partner Information sections below. LSCC Impact Core will notify applicant within 10 days of submission whether the request for matching has been approved. Upon approval, an Impact Core Liaison will be assigned to the partner and LSCC will commit to supporting the missionary by matching up to $500 financial support for the year and to pray for their ministry work. Applications are due by November 30th.

  • Missionary Support Matching is limited to $500 per member per year.

  • Missionary Support Matching is limited to $1000 per missionary per year.

  • Impact has allotted ten missionary support matchings each fiscal year, and will evaluate matching on a case by case basis beyond ten.

  • Financial support will be made directly from LSCC to the missionary's sending organization.

  • Missionary matches can be renewed every year, up to three years, and members can bring missionary for review for long-term partnership within Impact Core.

LSCC Member and Supported Partner expectations

  • [Member] Actively and consistently participate and serve at LSCC (ie LSF, Sunday Worship, Events, Offering)

  • [Member] Been a contiguously consistent active member for over 1 year

  • [Member] Present the organization & missionary on an Impact Sunday during worship

  • [Member] Provide additional information, as needed, to LSCC Communications Team to be uploaded to the website and/or presented as a 1 page PowerPoint slide (with discretion)

  • [Member] Email Impact Core confirming the matching donation funds have been received.

  • [Member] Ask the new partner to come and share (5 min) on a Sunday when available

  • [Member] Provide/forward updates to LSCC Impact team about his/her work in the missions field and partner organization, which may be shared with the congregation (with discretion), e.g. missionary's prayer letter.

  • [Partner] Meet with the designated Impact Core Liaison and/or Lead Pastor as needed.