Benevolence Fund Request


The goal of Benevolence funds are to support people in need around us and extend the love of Christ to our direct neighbors.


Complete the form below. The LSCC Benevolence team will notify the applicant within 10 days of submission whether the request for reimbursement has been approved. Upon approval, someone from the Finance team will reimburse your maximum amount of $100.00. Please know that an LSCC leader may reach out to ask for details on the recipient and encourage you to continue your relationship with this individual. Applications are due by December 15th.

  • Benevolence Support is limited to $100 per individual per application. If more money is requested, please let us know.

  • The Benevolence fund has a set budget for the year. We will evaluate on a case by case basis beyond fifty.

  • Financial support will be made directly from an LSCC member and reimbursed to the member by the finance team at LSCC.


  • [Member] Actively and consistently participate and serve at LSCC (ie LSF, Sunday Worship, Events, Offering)

  • [Member] Been a contiguously consistent active member for over 1 year

  • [Member] Potentially present the work being done on an Impact Sunday during worship or Body Life

  • [Member] Provide additional information, as needed, to LSCC Communications Team to be uploaded to the website and/or presented as a 1 page PowerPoint slide (with discretion)

  • [Member] Email the Benevolence/Finance team confirming the reimbursement has been received.

  • [Member] Provide/forward updates to the Benevolence/Finance team about his/her work, which may be shared with the congregation (with discretion), e.g. relay conversations and prayer requests

  • [Individual] Meet with the LSCC member and continue relationship